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Webinar on workforce reporting: Holtara and Diversio unveil ESRS solutions

13 June 2024

Holtara and Diversio are partnering to ease the burden of diversity and inclusion-related reporting, such as those required by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive’s (“CSRD”) new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (“ESRS”) on workforce reporting. This collaboration is designed to help companies navigate the complexities of reporting requirements that apply to large publicly listed companies as of 2024 and to smaller publicly listed and unlisted companies by 2026. 

European Sustainability Reporting Standards  

The goal of CSRD is to close the gap between financial and sustainability-related information. It aims to achieve this by increasing consistency in information and format, adding a double materiality perspective including the value chain, and enabling comparison with the extensive ESRS. One of the most challenging topics to report on is Standard 1: Own Workforce (S1), which is why Holtara and Diversio are teaming up to provide solutions for those in scope.  

The S1 ESRS mandates over 700 potential reporting elements on various workforce-related aspects, including diversity metrics, workforce policies, accommodations for persons with disabilities, work-life balance, and compensation. The 12 key disclosure topics aim to increase transparency and accountability in business practices.   

As the initial reporting period commences, companies face numerous challenges in meeting these extensive requirements, such as the risk of inaccurate or incomplete data collection, data privacy and security concerns, and the complexity of collecting demographic data across different legal jurisdictions. Non-compliance can lead to significant financial penalties and reputational damage.  

Holtara and Diversio bringing you solutions  

To address these burdens, Holtara and Diversio have developed services that ensure efficient and compliant data collection and reporting across the EU and other regions. They are collaborating in a webinar with clients who have already started preparing for the lengthy ESRS reporting and can share insights so far. This webinar will cover:  

  1. Quickfire: What is ESRS S1: Own workforce, and how does it relate to CSRD compliance?  
  2. Deeper dive: What are the disclosure requirements for S1, and what are the main challenges of this module?  
  3. Hear from your peers: What tips and tricks have Holtara and Diversio's clients discovered in preparing for this module?  
  4. Getting prepared: What are the next steps for those within scope?  

This webinar will not only aid in understanding ESRS requirements but also in showing how data collection and reporting can be as simple as possible for anyone in scope. This includes ensuring easy traceability for when auditors are required to verify data.  

Clients will benefit from the combined strengths of both companies: Holtara’s long-standing expertise and comprehensive service in sustainability reporting and advisory, alongside Diversio’s advanced workforce reporting platform, known for its enterprise-grade security and compliance features. Diversio’s platform excels in diversity reporting through cross-border compliance, unparalleled benchmarking, and AI-powered recommendations. This is ideal for clients wanting to ease the burden of granular diversity reporting for their CSRD assessment. For those requiring support across all pillars of environment, social, and governance CSRD topics, Holtara provides such a service, complementing Diversio’s solution.  

This partnership underscores both companies' commitment to advancing compliance solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses striving for sustainability and ethical operations.  

“We understand the complexity of CSRD and the challenges that many firms will face preparing for and complying with this regulation. We are committed to helping our clients navigate and comply with sustainability related regulation and our partnership with Diversio to simplify reporting on workforce-related metrics is an important addition to our suite of solutions” 
Emma Bickerstaffe, Managing Director, Holtara  

“I am thrilled to join forces with Holtara for our upcoming webinar and partnered services. This collaboration signifies a significant step forward in tackling the intricate landscape of ESRS compliance, especially concerning workforce reporting. I look forward to sharing invaluable insights, cutting-edge strategies, and revolutionary solutions to empower businesses in navigating these challenges with unwavering confidence and integrity.”   
Laura McGee, CEO of Diversio  

If you're interested in hearing from our clients who have used our services to meet the CSRD requirements, sign up for our webinar.   

Date: June 27 2024  

Time: 3:00 PM UK / 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT